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Here i tell you how to make your Account on the Server.

At first you need to Download Tibia 7.5 You can Download it from http://www.tapetki.aplus.pl/Tibia/download/

After you have Installed it you need IP Canger. You can Download it from  http://rapidshare.de/files/17905989/IPChanger.exe.html

Now start Tibia and Then the ip Changer. Type darkmeesa.no-ip.org in the ip changer and klick change ip. It is normal that nothuink happens but it works.

Now logg in with the Account number: 1 and the password: 1

Here you can make a new Account for you.

After you have make a new Account logg with the new Account in and make a new char.

That was all.

Happy Gaming on the Server